Homeownership cheaper than rental apartment

Because rent + operating costs + electricity + fuel for the car cost more than the loan installment MINUS profit from the sale of electricity. Ideal retirement provision.

  Attention. Prices and interest rates as of May 2022 in Austria

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00:00 Start
01:14 DIY self-pickup with carport
07:04 Income tax and social security at 10.000 €/a
08:40 Income tax and social security at 20.000 €/a
09:07 Income tax and social security at 30.000 €/a
09:43 Pension at 30 years 10.000 €/a
09:59 Pension 713 gross 677 net
10:14 Pension at 30 years 10.000 €/a + 2.844 €/a
10:28 Pension 916 gross 869 net
12:15 Early pension no problem, because under marginal earnings limit
12:42 Additional income during pension
13:27 More pension and income from electricity sales
14:20 What would be needed for this with home ownership without electricity generation?
15:58 What would it take to do this in rental housing?
16:55 Turnkey with carport
18:09 Parts of a thermally insulated garage door
18:25 Garage with floor heating
20:10 Turnkey with heated garage
21:40 End

Music: Andy Mangele

  This is not tax or investment advice

. Even a tax advisor could not give them a binding statement on this, because it is a matter of the tax office, how the tax processing of this case will finally look. These are all assumptions based on various calculators on the site of the WKO - Austrian Chamber of Commerce and AK - Austrian Chamber of Labor.

Since a forecast over 30 years is not possible, simply today's values are written on. Therefore, it can only show phenomena, such as the higher pension due to the additional income from electricity sales, which increases the social security assessment base.

Because of the just violent inflation, I call the mentioned prices hopes for a stable development.

GEMINI next Generation AG (Inc.) GEMINI next Generation AG (Inc.)
We improve the world through Climate Protection Superiority Houses. Our mission statement: planet renovation back to 350 ppm CO2, we contribute house by house.

We are the counter movement
Many people feel that there is a development in the wrong direction in many areas. We are more than only an innovative product, we are the countermovement.

Home ownership cheaper than rental apartment
Everyone understands that a smartphone from 2022 is much cheaper than the first mobile devices from 1990 and also much better. We show that this is also possible for houses.

Our proposals and topics for discussion with policymakers
Policymakers can only work with what is possible according to the state of the art. We are drastically shifting this state of the art and thus creating new possibilities.

Housing turnaround and energy turnaround Housing turnaround and energy turnaround
Urbanization has been underway since the 1st industrial revolution. An efficient energy transition and a higher standard of living require a reversal of this trend.

The fundamentally different philosophy behind the product
The way of thinking determines which product developments are possible at all. Mental barriers can be much more important than technical ones.

2022 Establishment of a corporation to 1. capital increase
The foundation of GEMINI next Generation AG and the preparation for the first capital increase. Step by step on the way to the next big disruption that redefines what a house must be able to do.

2023 from research and development towards realization
The goal for 2023 is to prepare for the construction of the first factory hall in Unken in 2024 and the remaining development work on the house and production technology.

2024 Capital increase and cooperations for the development of components
The goal for 2024 is to achieve the necessary capital increase, cooperation for the development of components and the prepare for the construction of the first factory building in Unken in 2025.

  Home ownership cheaper than rental apartment

Everyone understands that a smartphone from 2022 is much cheaper than the first mobile devices from 1990 and also much better. We show that this is also possible for houses.

Disruption at houses Disruption at houses
The market for homes is in as horrifying a state as the electric car market was in 2003: in the year Tesla was founded, the Peugeot 106 was a top electric car.

          Homeownership cheaper than rental apartment: Because rent + operating costs + electricity + fuel for the car cost more than the loan installment MINUS profit from the sale of electricity. Ideal retirement provision. https://gemini-next-generation.house/homeownership/cheaper-than-rental-apartment.htm

          Are you ready to move to a decent house for climate protection, on the condition that it will save you money and increase your standard of living? https://gemini-next-generation.house/homeownership/cheaper-than-rental-apartment.htm

          Would you be willing to raise your standard of living to do something about climate change? Become a homeowner and solar power producer! https://gemini-next-generation.house/homeownership/cheaper-than-rental-apartment.htm

          Be a lifelong slave to loan payments, in constant fear of losing everything? No! The GEMINI next generation house offers completely new possibilities! https://gemini-next-generation.house/homeownership/cheaper-than-rental-apartment.htm

          Trembling before the next rent increase or operating cost increase, can that really be all? Way out affordable house with enormous self-generation of electricity. https://gemini-next-generation.house/homeownership/cheaper-than-rental-apartment.htm

          Heat to 25°, shower/bath as often and long as you want, electric car 30,000 km per year, heated garage. Still be a top climate protector, much better than the others. https://gemini-next-generation.house/homeownership/cheaper-than-rental-apartment.htm