Email to Reinhold MessnerDear Mr. Reinhold Messner, I noticed your saying: "Alternative energy is pointless if it destroys the very thing you're trying to protect through it: nature." To reduce the space required by human civilization, I created this video:
For this optimized space requirement of civilization I developed the GEMINI next Generation house and founded the GEMINI next Generation AG. GEMINI means twin in Latin and stands here for the double use, living and solar power plant. If widely applied, even Germany, as a densely populated, fairly northern industrialized country, would be possible with 100% solar power, only from houses, i.e. without wind turbines and free-field systems.
We need a workable energy transition that differs drastically from the German energy transition, in cost, in feasibility, but also in land consumption, currently 26,000 km² in Germany for gas and fuel, where I strictly refuse to call this "organic".
A central component of a functioning energy transition is the GEMINI next generation house. The smallest version has 70 m² living space, 34 kW photovoltaic, another 10 kW on garage or carport. For a location in Salzburg, this would be: 35,000 kWh annual yield 3,000 kWh for household electricity, space heating, hot water Charge 4,000 kWh for electric car 28,000 kWh for sale. Hier noch der Link zur Broschüre, weil die hat 24 Mb und ist für ein E-Mail zu lang. |