Counter theses to central dogmas of climate activists

Is there really only one way to 100 % renewable energy? Is there really only one way to protect the climate? Is the target sufficient and achievable?

The lecture at the Upper Austrian Conference of Mayors on June 14, 2023, already had something of the 95 Theses at the church in Wittenberg about it: counter-theses to central beliefs of faith of the climate activists.
  • Global prosperity instead of saving Restricting Renouncing
  • Planetary cleanup back to 350 ppm CO2 instead of net zero emissions and 1.5° target
  • An optimistic, motivated society instead of broken, motiveless people
  • Settlements with ClimateProtectionSuperiorityHouses instead of even more area for energy from plants
  • It also works with photovoltaics and electricity storage alone instead of extreme expansion of wind energy
  • New houses with very much power production instead of building shame
  • Family-friendly living instead of foregoing children for the climate
  • Home ownership instead of dense housing, cramming people together more and more

  No schism, but science against ideology and dogmas

The basis for a functional energy transition with a high level of acceptance among the population is the GEMINI next generation house. The richest 90 percent of the population should be able to afford one, at least in areas with low land prices. Each house contributes to the energy transition by selling electricity according to demand and 100 igen supply.

However, 1,000 or even 10,000 new houses are not enough for a functioning energy transition. Therefore, the 17 MWh electricity yield per hectare of a corn field for biogas was compared to the 850 MWh yield per hectare of a settlement with 16 houses.

Counter theses to central dogmas of climate activists
Is there really only one way to 100 % renewable energy? Is there really only one way to protect the climate? Is the target sufficient and achievable?

The large central photovoltaic covers the access road, garages, parking spaces and areas for sports and leisure of residents.

Replacing only half of the current acreage for biofuel and biogas with such settlement structures would be about 2/3 of a workable energy transition.

Counter theses to central dogmas of climate activists
Is there really only one way to 100 % renewable energy? Is there really only one way to protect the climate? Is the target sufficient and achievable?
Picture 1

The entrance to paradise for 16 families on one hectare. The acceptance of the population is a decisive criterion to be able to achieve 100 rrenewable energy.

In the vicinity of high-priced cities, the conversion of grassland into "land for energy" was proposed: lease price 600 MWh per year and hectare. Only houses certified according to the KlimaSchutzÜberlegenheitsHaus building standard may be placed there.

Counter theses to central dogmas of climate activists
Is there really only one way to 100 % renewable energy? Is there really only one way to protect the climate? Is the target sufficient and achievable?
Picture 2

Create the environment to increase the birth rate on maintenance of the population.

  Finally treating the problem of climate change seriously and scientifically

There are clear criteria to evaluate problem solutions scientifically:

  • Sufficient goal setting
  • Acceptance of the population
  • Feasibility
In all criteria, the dogmas of climate activists fail miserably:
  • Net zero emission is not enough, we need planetary cleanup back to 350 ppm
  • Acceptance of the population is not there, but who would be against global prosperity?
  • Implementability, in addition the following parable:

  The Trondheim Hammerfest Parable

Very cold December days in Scandinavia. You can either take a CityEl from Oslo to Trondheim or a Tesla Y from Oslo to Hammerfest. The CityEl was a single-seat rolling waiver from the 1990s. The lead-acid battery, which is sensitive to cold, would give out after 30 km at the latest on the first uphill slope.

Counter theses to central dogmas of climate activists
Is there really only one way to 100 % renewable energy? Is there really only one way to protect the climate? Is the target sufficient and achievable?
Picture 3

Here, Trondheim symbolizes the goal of net-zero emissions, and the CityEl stands for the doomed methods of achieving this goal.

Counter theses to central dogmas of climate activists
Is there really only one way to 100 % renewable energy? Is there really only one way to protect the climate? Is the target sufficient and achievable?
Picture 4

Hammerfest stands here symbolically for the goal of planetary restoration. It is almost 4 times further away, but easily reached with the Tesla Y.

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The lecture took place in the TIZ Schlierbach (Technology and Innovation Center). 25 mayors, members of the state parliament and experts could be informed about new options for action of politics by the GEMINI next Generation House.

  Entire lecture

100 renewable energy is only a stage goal
A planetary cleanup back to 350 ppm CO2 must be the goal of all our efforts. This is more costly than just the stage goal of 100 rneuerbare Energie. The sections of the previous day
Video product presentation * The GEMINI next generation house * Cost and financing of a house * Land costs * Climate change - humanity at the crossroads Video: Set up house on the river and project Unken
Present the living value of an 85 m² house with basement on 70 m² without basement by variable room division and drawers as basement replacement. The grid connection is only for the sale of electricity
It has been like this for thousands of years: Some farmers sell their harvest immediately, when everyone else is also selling, and get a poor price. Sunny Sunday: the best time to charge electric car
When prices are negative, people will of course not sell electricity, but store as much as possible. In the batteries of the house, in the batteries of the electric cars. Home ownership cheaper than rental apartment
An owning society is much more crisis-proof. We want to make not only more home ownership possible, but also energy ownership: own electricity production. Home ownership possible from € 2,600 household income
With the 40% rule, this allows for €200,000 in housing credit for the home and the land. The energy system is financed separately and pays for itself. From loan repayment to additional income
The energy system will be paid off after 15 to 20 years. When the housing loan is gone after 30 years, you suddenly have additional income: Proceeds from the sale of electricity. We will offer affordable houses
If our new types of houses are to be the basis for a functioning energy transition, they must also be affordable for the population. But where are there enough affordable properties?
Massive volumes are needed to play a leading role in the energy transition. We need to think about the need for footprints today. Use comparison 1 ha maize for biogas vs 1 ha settlement area
“We need 2 Earths“ is an urgent reminder that space optimization is necessary and we need to stop senseless inefficient waste of space. 1 ha settlement with 12 GEMINI Standard and 4 GEMINI XL houses
50 times more electricity yield than with the biogas from the cornfield. In addition, living space for 16 families and habitat for many animals and plants that can not live on the cornfield. In the center of the settlement is a 5.4 m wide access road
This access road is covered with a photovoltaic 18 m wide. More solar power and no winter maintenance, such as snow removal and spreading de-icer, required. Garages are located to the left and right of the access road
The garages have u=0.15 for wall and ceiling. The garage door has u=0.28. It is heated to 12° to 15° in winter, which saves electricity for electric cars. Left and right of the access road is for much more space
than just for garages and parking space. Shaded sunbathing areas by the swimming pool, a gazebo, various sports activities. The 18 m wide photovoltaic is also parasol and umbrella
for many activities. Here as an example table tennis tables. Children can play outdoors even in rainy weather. A pessimistic society without dreams and visions of the future
will crumble. Concrete solutions for a higher standard of living and a stable society instead of constant scaremongering about how terrible the future will be. Connection for heating a swimming pool as standard
GEMINI next generation houses have standard connections for swimming pool heating, garage heating and keeping sidewalks and driveway ice-free. Why study a lot, work a lot, when the dream of owning your own home
becomes unfulfillable even for higher earners? A system that offers no motivations will end up with a completely motivationless population. We combine the dream of home ownership
with society's dream of 100 rrenewable energy. Using synergy effects of the GEMINI next generation house to make both affordable. Rural areas have a higher birth rate than cities
important for the demographic problem. Sufficient housing for children in a child-friendly environment must not be an unaffordable luxury. Standard of living should be measured among the poorest 20%
the richest 80% are better off. A society cannot be called rich if the super-rich drive through the tent cities of the homeless poor. Intensive agriculture unequal to nature
The worst greenwashing is the term “organic corn“ and “biofuel“. These areas for settlements with ClimateProtectionSuperiorityHouses and renaturation. A new sustainable building standard
How many similar houses can be produced within 30 years with the surplus electricity of one house? The replication factor provides the answer. Do we want to continue living like this in the future?
Urban canyons, sidewalks in between, parked cars, moving cars. Very serious thought should be given to whether this is appropriate for an emerging civilization. 100 renewable energy is also possible with solar power alone
Only 2 things have been forgotten in the German energy transition: Day/night balancing with batteries, summer/winter balancing with power to methane or methanol. Dedicate building land, electricity as a lease price
Convert grassland to building land around high-priced cities; the lease must be paid with electricity. 600 MWh/a would be €60,000 lease per ha valued at 10 cents/kWh. The contradictions in the IPCC report
There are studies on many effects with a wide scattering of results. Nevertheless, it is always emphasized “net zero emission“ and everything will be fine again. Net zero emissions will not be sufficient
The 1.5° target is unachievable for the next 1/2 century, net zero emissions totally insufficient, only a planetary cleanup, back to 350 ppm CO2 will help. The parable of net zero emissions and planet remediation
Let's imagine very cold December days in Scandinavia. You can choose either to take a CityEl from Oslo to Trondheim. Planetary renovation is much more costly than net-zero emissions
But I'd rather take a Tesla Y from Oslo to Hammersfest than the CityEl from Oslo to Trondheim. An intact society with a clear goal can do much more! Humanity at the crossroads
Continue with “Save Restrict Renounce“ towards self-destruction or towards global prosperity to create the conditions for planetary restoration.

GEMINI next Generation AG (Inc.) GEMINI next Generation AG (Inc.)
We improve the world through Climate Protection Superiority Houses. Our mission statement: planet renovation back to 350 ppm CO2, we contribute house by house.

We are the counter movement
Many people feel that there is a development in the wrong direction in many areas. We are more than only an innovative product, we are the countermovement.

Home ownership cheaper than rental apartment
Everyone understands that a smartphone from 2022 is much cheaper than the first mobile devices from 1990 and also much better. We show that this is also possible for houses.

Our proposals and topics for discussion with policymakers
Policymakers can only work with what is possible according to the state of the art. We are drastically shifting this state of the art and thus creating new possibilities.

Housing turnaround and energy turnaround Housing turnaround and energy turnaround
Urbanization has been underway since the 1st industrial revolution. An efficient energy transition and a higher standard of living require a reversal of this trend.

The fundamentally different philosophy behind the product
The way of thinking determines which product developments are possible at all. Mental barriers can be much more important than technical ones.

2022 Establishment of a corporation to 1. capital increase
The foundation of GEMINI next Generation AG and the preparation for the first capital increase. Step by step on the way to the next big disruption that redefines what a house must be able to do.

2023 from research and development towards realization
The goal for 2023 is to prepare for the construction of the first factory hall in Unken in 2024 and the remaining development work on the house and production technology.

2024 Capital increase and cooperations for the development of components
The goal for 2024 is to achieve the necessary capital increase, cooperation for the development of components and the prepare for the construction of the first factory building in Unken in 2025.

          Counter theses to central dogmas of climate activists: Is there really only one way to 100 % renewable energy? Is there really only one way to protect the climate? Is the target sufficient and achievable?